USDA Future Scientists Presentation

From 4-5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20, the Children’s Discovery Museum will host a
free after-school program at the Normal Theater featuring Dr. Craig Wilson, the Director of the USDA Future Scientists Program. This interactive presentation about the exciting world of science and agriculture is sure to inspire students to want to learn more about how science and agriculture intersect in amazing ways every day. The presentation is free to attend, but reservations are required.
To sign up, visit this link:
Dr. Craig Wilson is a researcher at Texas A&M University in the Center for Mathematics and Science Education. In this role, he directs the USDA Future Scientists Program. A favorite presenter at conferences across the country, Dr. Wilson focuses on hands-on and inquiry-based science teaching that links teachers with agriculture. The USDA Future Scientists Program operates in 40 states, Puerto Rico and the country of Panama. Central Illinois is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world, which makes this a perfect location for students to discover a newfound appreciation for the agriculture all around them with this fun-filled science presentation.
Dr. Wilson’s presentation at the Normal Theater is made possible by a collaboration among the Children’s Discovery Museum, Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom and the McLean, Livingston and DeWitt County Farm Bureaus along with their Agriculture in the Classroom programs.